How many seal species are there?

Are there a lot of medicine options for sick seals, or is there a lot of research to find more medicine for the seals?

About how many seals are saved per year?

When caring for seals, do you get attached to them and feel bad to set them free again?

How can a high school student help save seals?

Is it possible to have a seal as a pet?

Do seals spend most of their time on water or on land?

Are their whiskers used for anything?

Do seals see color with their eyes?

How long can a seal remain under water?

How many different types of seals are there?

Have you worked with different types of seal orr just one?

Have seals died while they were in the hospital?

What type of medicine is give to them?

Do seals get named?

What are the seal's diet?

What is the number one predator of seals?

Why can't seals be tamed or become pets?

Are seals naturally viscious?

Do we keep track of the seals after we let them go?

Are there a lot of peple who join causes to support the seals?

What is the main illness seal's usually catch?

Why are so many seals becoming sick?

How long does it take for seals to heal?

How often do seals mate?

How long do seals live?

How can a high school student sign up for the volunteering program and when?