Activity:  First Exam

Pre-Activity:  Homework, Notes, Essays, Lectures

Do Now:  Prepare for examination by reviewing test-prep. notes.

Aim:  Assessment of student to show to the world.

Major Assignment:  Develop an understanding of student level of commitment and skill and report it via grade.

Processes, Skills, Goals:  Science as a reporting function.

Content:  Exam on introduction to seals (TF, MC), news versus science journal (essay), CREATE acronym (fill-in), homework, and notes.

Instructions:  During the written exam, call students up one-by-one and examine their notebooks according to the notebook rubric.

Materials:  Exam (open notebook?), notebook rubric, graded homework, whale assignment.

Guiding Questions:  Is there anything I need to know about your level of performance?

Homework: Read whale assignment for Monday.