Activity:  Representing and reporting knowledge.

Pre-Activity:  Read article on toxins in whales.

Do Now:  Simple 3 minute quiz on article on toxins in whales.

Aim:  Convert article to anchored student knowledge.

Major Assignment:  Create cartoon of article on whale toxins.

Processes, Skills, Goals:  Create representation of science in visual form.  Reading, interpretation, memory, creativity.

Content:  Examination of issues of environmental toxins in marine mammals using techniques that require diverse high-order student skills.

Instructions:  Ask students to create visual representations of their thoughts on the whale toxin article, as well as what they think the implication is for our seals, and the scientific study of them.

Materials:  Paper, drawing implements, notes on cartooning

Guiding Questions:  What would you want to show about toxins in whales?  What about in us - we are mammals, too.  What would someone who hasn't read the article understand from your cartoon?  What story are you trying to tell?  What is your point of view?  Who is your audience?

Homework:  Finish the cartoon and post digital versions online, with text discussion, if appropriate.