Activity:  Assessment of group concept maps of issues of toxins, biology, and taxonomy.

Pre-Activity:  Discussion of classification of organisms.

Do Now:  Arrange into groups and add what else you know about the biology of seals.

Aim:  Link the creation, dissemination, and remediation of toxins with seal anatomy, taxonomy, and biology.

Major Assignment:  Build on earlier concept map to include new information.

Processes, Skills, Goals:  Linking information across disciplines, witness personal and group expansion of knowledge.

Content:  Biology, behavior, taxonomy, and related vocabulary.

Instructions:  Ask students to revisit their concept maps and add new items to show their new knowledge.

Materials:  Paper, earlier concept maps, new paper if needed. 

Guiding Questions:  How does common behavior and evolutionary history create competition for resources and the inadvertent delivery of detrimental (and positive) effects.

Homework:  Visit USAJOBS web site and search on GIS, examine three interesting job listings and create a paragraph to describe what you like about each one.