Activity:  Examining water flow from backyard to seal habitat.

Pre-Activity:  Homework on rainfall and where it goes.

Do Now:  Draw a map of your community.

Aim:  Understand how water flows locally, and globally.

Major Assignment:  Turn words into maps.

Processes, Skills, Goals:  Understand that gravity pulls water down, and heated water vapor rises into clouds.  Create maps from memory.

Content:  The Water Cycle and Local to Global Maps

Instructions:  Have students draw rudimentary maps of their neighborhood and show the flow of water.

Materials:  Paper, writing implements.

Guiding Questions:  Where does the water come from?  How did it get there?  What causes it to move around?  Does it carry anything with it?   How can you show it flowing downward?

Homework:  Find elevations along local waters, with maps, picture and/or videos that depict its movement.