Activity:  Share student homework on depictions of local waters.

Pre-Activity:  Homework assignment to find depictions of local waters.

Do Now:  Share what you found on the flow of local waters

Aim:  To introduce elevation change as the force that makes water move.

Major Assignment:  Introduction to Water Flow Lab and Mapping to Scale.

Processes, Skills, Goals:  Researching, analyzing, and presenting information on water flow due to gravity.  Mapmaking to scale.

Content:  Maps of water flow in the community.  Scale maps of water lab surface.

Instructions:  After students share what they found, introduce and run through water lab assignment.

Materials:  Water lab assignment, water droppers, rulers, graph paper.

Guiding Questions:  What makes water flow?  How fast does it move?  What does it depend on?  Does the force of gravity significantly change on the earth's surface?  Why is water called the universal solvent?  What is a solvent?

Homework:  Determine the local time of high and low tide for five days, as well as its range of elevation change, if you can find it quickly.