Activity:  Review of lab results.

Pre-Activity:  Inclined Plane Water Lab

Do Now:  Examine the maps of the other groups.

Aim:  Introductions to the scientific evaluation of results and construction of a preliminary hypothesis.

Major Assignment:  Compare outcomes across groups as an introduction to statistics.

Processes, Skills, Goals:  Turning measurements into a hypothesis, comparing actual to predicted, comparing outcomes between groups using statistical analysis.

Content:  Statistical analysis of similar measurements.

Instructions:  Obtain and assemble lab outcomes into graph of all measurements and explain methods of statistical analysis.

Materials:  White board, lab outcomes, notes on statistics.  Explanation of student grades as an approximate measurement of student performance, and class statistics as a tool of analysis.

Guiding Questions:  What happened?  Why are the results different between groups?  Are they somewhat similar?  Can "somewhat similar" be translated to a mathematical representation?

Homework:  Essay - what do your overall grades say about your potential for performing in life?  Use the terms prediction, model, and reality in your answer.