Activity:  Create an interactive map of extreme tide data, photos, and videos.

Pre-Activity:  Homework to find interesting tide videos, photos and associated data.

Do Now:  Add your information to the list of videos and locations.

Aim:  Create an interactive map of extreme tides.

Major Assignment:  Show maps as a method of sharing photos, videos, and scientific data.

Processes, Skills, Goals:  Researching international environmental variables, explaining potential causes of variations, creating interactive maps of science data, 

Content:  Interactive maps as a form of scientific reporting, examination of extreme tides, videos as a reporting format for phenomena.

Instructions:  Place a point on the electronic map and link it to the video that each student found.  It would be good if an online forum is used to reduce duplication of findings (e.g. cannot post a video that has already been posted)

Materials:  Online computer and projector, technique for posting locations and linking videos,

Guiding Questions:  What do the videos show?  While these are the extreme movements of water, what about the other extreme - little movement of water?  Is the interactive map a beneficial method to showing our class talent at researching and understanding tides?  What do you see in the videos, and what do you think the impact is for the people, and animals that live there?

Homework:  Review three maps of a released seal and propose which part of a tidal cycle is best for releasing seals and explain why.