Activity:  Field Trip Plans to Create Science Materials for Peer Review

Pre-Activity:  Assignments to perform peer reviews.

Do Now:  Quiz on the Peer Review Rubric. 

Aim:  Development of Skills for Peer Review in Science.

Major Assignment:  Learn how to create materials for peer review from direct measurement in the field.

Processes, Skills, Goals:  Planning a field trip, understanding data collection opportunities and limits.

Content:  Planning a Field Trip to Collect Data for Science Topic Outreach.

Instructions:  Ask students to consider options for what data would they like to gather about seal habitat in their neighborhood and how they would expect to collect it.

Materials:  Rubric Quiz, Outline of a plan for a field trip to validate or refine student suggestions.

Guiding Questions:  What would you want to share with others about seal habitat?  What data could be collected to expand the science of the discipline?  Where would that data most readily be collected?  What instruments would you need?  How would you learn to use them?  What would you consider as dependent and independent variables?  Is there a hypothesis to test?

Homework:  Research other student-run field trips and present a summary of findings.